Debby Dunn (Figoni)

Water Conservation Administrator, City of Beverly Hills Environmental Studies, BA; Public Administration MPA; Master Gardener, CLCA Certified

About this speaker

Debby Dunn (Figoni) has been working in the environmental field for both public and private agencies for the last three decades.  Over the past 15 years, she has enthusiastically educated over 10,000 residents and businesses about using water efficiently through various water wise landscaping presentations and one-on-one meetings. Debby’s daytime job is the Water Conservation Administrator for the City of Beverly Hills where she gets to help larger properties save larger amounts of water. Debby passionately teaches a variety of Water Wise landscaping workshops including irrigation, prep and design, and California Friendly plants. She feels blessed to be able to motivate her students about the amazing changes they can make to beautify their gardens while benefiting the environment. She sees her work as play, and feels her efforts are a win-win for all involved.

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Water Waste Facts - Healthy Garden Tips

April 01, 2022, 08:00 PM
Debby Dunn (Figoni)